TRIO Talent Search

Contact Information

Director: Veronica Hopwood, PhD.
Office: Reid Centennial Hall, Rm 215
Phone: 208-792-2913
FAX: 208-792-2782

Talent Search is a federally funded program serving 592 students in Grangeville, Kooskia, Kamiah, Orofino and Timberline, in grades 6-12, focusing on those whose families are on a limited income and whose parents did not earn a bachelor’s degree. The program targets students who have the desire and the potential to seek post high school education, which includes two, and four-year colleges and technical schools. Talent Search assists students to gain a better understanding of their educational opportunities and options; therefore, all students are encouraged to apply.

Talent Search provides services such as:

  • Study skills
  • Tutoring
  • Career development activities
  • Time management skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Goal setting
  • Academic advice
  • Scholarship searches
  • Campus visits
  • ACT/SAT preparation
  • Assistance with financial aid, scholarship and admission application processes
  • Information on colleges, vocational schools and technical schools

Funding: The grant is 100% federally funded from the US Department of Education at $328,413 annually.